Thursday 2 May 2013

.....and a story about Canker Sore....

Hello Everyone....

How are you all?? Yes, I know I have been away for a long while. Being a student is a full time job with all the exams, assignments and presentations- and I keep babbling about it!!! Apart from all this, I have a personal story to share with you all.

Two weeks back, I had this terrible sore on my lips. At first, I did not give it much thought assuming it will recover soon. But it didn't and became my greatest nightmare!! After thorough research, I found out I am suffering from Canker Sore.

What is Canker Sore?:
Canker sores are characterized by small, shallow lesions found on the inside of the mouth. Contrary to the beliefs of many people, canker sores are not an infection of the herpes virus.
Canker sores are not the same thing as fever blisters or cold sores, which are usually found on the outside of the mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores are not contagious, and canker sores are also generally caused by bacteria, whereas cold sores are caused by a virus.

Though the exact cause is unknown, theories suggest that stress, genetics, mouth trauma, and immune system reactions are responsible for this unwanted pain.

 I came across some Home Treatments and preventions for Canker Sore:
    Canker Sore Relief 
  • Rinse your mouth several times a day with a mixture of warm water, salt and baking soda. 
  • If you’re up for a little extra pain, dab the sore directly with some salt or baking soda and leave it on for a few minutes. This will desensitize the pain as well as speed up the healing process.
  • Yogurts with live cultures. This delicious food is useful for more than breakfast—simply hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, and swallow!
  • Stress Relief. Don’t overwork yourself—your body will suffer more than just the canker sore.
  • Avoid foods that irritate your mouth, specifically those that are spicy or contain a high  acidic content. 
  • Avoid excessive gum chewing—this can cause unwanted irritation!
  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush after each meal, and floss daily to keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a canker sore.
My Experience:
This Canker sore had made my days terribly painful. It burned and pained like crazy, and at times I skipped brushing at nights (which i religiously do)  and even eating!! When I was busy thinking how to treat it (using salt and baking soda was a terrifying thought (0_0) , My intelligent darling Grandma came up with her golden treatment- LIQUID GLYCERINE.

This treatment has been in our house for many years. Whenever, anybody suffer from soreness in lips, my grandma suggests them with this terrific liquid potion. This thick, clear, odorless fluid is used in many lotions and soaps as key ingredient as a moisturizing agent. It is available widely in drugstores and medical stores.

How to Apply: Liquid Glycerine can be applied by dabbing cotton buds on the liquid and directly apply on the sore area. This may irritate and burn once applied but eventually the pain soothes down. Applying it many times a day will help to diminish the soreness but it may take a week for the soreness to completely go away.

Currently, I am relieved from this terrible thankful to Almighty Allah. This treatment turned out very useful and effective. Anybody, suffering from this can have an idea now about how to treat Canker Sores. Moreover, it is always best to keep informed about everything possible to learn, don't you think??

I hope you all liked my post. You can now send me your feed backs by sharing a comment or check out my face book page Lippaholic Indeed. Thank You :)

With Love, Tania

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